
  • 情況一


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為了增加JAVA程式語言在處理某特定程序時的效率,使用JNI調用特殊程序。如直接C++寫出的繪圖套件或是跑多CPU的程式。(JAVA 1.7版前無支援多核心處理。)或是特定演算法。

  • 情況四


  • 情況五



JNI是Java Native Interface的缩写,中文为JAVA本地调用。从Java1.1开始,Java Native Interface(JNI)标准成为java平台的一部分,它允许Java代码和其他语言写的代码进行交互。JNI一开始是为了本地已编译语言,尤其是C和C++而设计的,但是它并不妨碍你使用其他语言,只要调用约定受支持就可以了。使用java与本地已编译的代码交互,通常会丧失平台可移植性。但是,有些情况下这样做是可以接受的,甚至是必须的,比如,使用一些旧的库,与硬件、操作系统进行交互,或者为了提高程序的性能。JNI标准至少保证本地代码能工作在任何Java虚拟机实现下。



Bridge anything Java to .NET
Bridge anything .NET to Java

Connect JMS to anything .NET
Connect JMS to BizTalk Server

JNBridge provides plug & play adapters that allow you to exchange messages betweenBizTalk Server or a .NET application and a JMS messaging infrastructure. The adaptersjust work right out of the box.

Enterprise-class interoperability
World-class integration

Do you have .NET-based and Java-based components that you need to haveinteroperate or heterogeneous applications that you need to integrateEnterprises around the world have successfully used JNBridge'ssolutions to meet their interoperability needs. Is one of these scenarios yours?


可以讓JAVA調用VB、 C++、  C# 、Delphi

What is OOJNI? Object Oriented Java Native Interface (OOJNI) is a set of tool (Add-In) for Microsoft Visual Studio 7.1 or 6.0 or MS VS.NET (and in the future for MS VS 6.0 and MS VS .NET, Borland C++, UNIX and Linux OS- each Edition will be for Java 32 and 64Bits) which generates C++ wrappers of JNI code for Java classes and a library of helpers that simplify programming to the Java Native Interface (JNI) with C++. With OOJNI Add-In C++ Programmer can select Java classes in byte code and generate C++ JNI "proxies", which have the structure like the java class. Its functions include all necessary JNI code to access fields and methods of the java class. Helper library include classes that simplify working with the JNI data types (string, array, etc.) as well as with JVM interface and exception handling. The main advantage of OOJNI tool over others is that OOJNI Add-In generates C++ code without use of java reflection. What is Java ByteCode Viewer? This is a simple tool that reads, parses and shows byte code as a tree. It may be suitable for studying and debugging Java byte code. Byte Code Viewer can load class files (*.class), JAR and ZIP archives with byte code. The content of Archive File is loaded to the left pane. On select a class name in the class list the tool shows Byte Code Tree in the right pane. The byte code tree is a structured map of the byte code file. It shows only data that stored in the file. 



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