Ember.js is a JavaScript framework that does all of the heavy lifting that you’d normally have to do by hand. There are tasks that are common to every web app; Ember.js does those things for you, so you can focus on building killer features and UI. Building Ember.js

  1. Ensure that you have a recent Ruby (>= 1.9.3). There are many resources that can help; one of the best is rvm.
  2. Ensure that Bundler is installed (gem install bundler).
  3. Ensure that Node.js is installed.
  4. Run bundle install to install the necessary ruby gems.
  5. Run npm install.
  6. Run rake dist to build Ember.js. The builds will be placed in thedist/ directory.

Contribution See

How to Run Unit Tests

  1. Follow the setup steps listed above under Building Ember.js.
  2. To start the development server, run rackup.
  3. Then visit: http://localhost:9292/?package=PACKAGE_NAME. ReplacePACKAGE_NAME with the name of the package you want to run. For example:
    • Ember.js Runtime
    • Ember.js Views
    • Ember.js Handlebars

To run multiple packages, you can separate them with commas. You can run all the tests using the
all package:


You can also pass
jquery=VERSION in the test URL to test different versions of jQuery. Default is 1.9.0.

From the CLI

  1. Install phantomjs from http://phantomjs.org
  2. Run rake test to run a basic test suite or run rake test[all] to run a more comprehensive suite.
  3. (Mac OS X Only) Run rake ember:autotest to automatically re-run tests when any files are changed.

Building API Docs The Ember.js API Docs provide a detailed collection of methods, classes, and viewable source code.

NOTE: Requires node.js to generate.

See http://emberjs.com/ for annotated introductory documentation.

Preview API documentation

  • Clone https://github.com/emberjs/website.git at the same level as the main Ember repo.
  • From the website repo, run rake preview
  • The docs will be available at http://localhost:4567/api

Build API documentation

  • From the website repo, run rake build
  • The website, along with documentation will be built into the builddirectory。

    from https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js 

  • https://github.com/emberjs/starter-kit

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