贴出者为 macolex
编程开发 macolex写著 '在最近的一个关于LKML的讨论中,Linus给出了为什么不用C++来写Linux内核的理由:

"In fact, in Linux we did try C++ once already, back in 1992. It sucks. Trust me - writing kernel code in C++ is a BLOODY STUPID IDEA.


"The fact is, C++ compilers are not trustworthy. They were even worse in 1992, but some fundamental facts haven't changed: 1) the whole C++ exception handling thing is fundamentally broken. It's _especially_ broken for kernels. 2) any compiler or language that likes to hide things like memory allocations behind your back just isn't a good choice for a kernel. 3) you can write object-oriented code (useful for filesystems etc) in C, _without_ the crap that is C++."


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发布人:wangxiaohu 来自:http://kerneltrap.org/node/view/2067 '


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